Our proven drycleaning and petroleum refining process removes and reclaims oil, solvents, and grease from contaminated materials. We give back clean reconditioned products for reuse, based on high-quality standards, promoting end-user satisfaction
Please complete the following questionnaire. It is important that we have this information prior to accepting any contaminated materials from you.
Learn more about Wiping Materials Reconditioning.
Recent Technology advances allow Polypropylene Absorbents such as pads, booms, socks, and pillows to be reconditioned and reused. We have two programs for the reconditioning of reusable polypropylene absorbents: Reconditioning and Return: Customer’s reusable polypropylene absorbents are cleaned and returned to the originator.
Not all companies can take advantage of glove reuse. In many instances, we will acquire these gloves, then recondition them for resale. Reconditioned gloves offer considerable savings of up to 70%. Call us for the availability of reconditioned glove styles.
Safety Wear
Fortunately, companies are now taking a more proactive approach to worker safety. Safety Directors are turning to safety equipment manufacturers that are utilizing high-performance fibers such as Kevlar® for products to better protect their workers from the hazards associated with manufacturing. These products offer excellent protection however they can sometimes be very expensive.
Specialized Services
There are probably more types of filter media used by industries than pages in an unabridged dictionary. These can usually be categorized as either disposable or reusable. Brent has the ability of cleaning/ reconditioning most reusable filters. Generally, if the contaminant is mineral spirits soluble, it can be processed in our facilities.
Wiping Materials
Industries use a variety of wiping materials that are both disposable and reusable. Disposal includes paper, non-woven and woven textile products. Regardless of the type being disposed of, they all represent a solid waste, and in many cases a long term liability under Superfund (CERCLA).
Let Us Help You
Get in touch and one of our sales professionals will provide full details of how our unique programs mean savings for your company.